Stop Mouth Breathing & Start Nasal Breathing

If you're like Phil and me, you would do anything for a good night's sleep... Unfortunately, though, we thought we were doomed to be sleep-deprived for the rest of our lives. The constant wake-ups, insomnia, etc., were just the status quo. However, it wasn't until we discovered mouth breathing as the root cause of so many of our sleep issues that we set out on a mission to change the world of sleep-deprived parents one mouth tape at a time. Mouth taping promotes nasal breathing, which is the body's natural and optimal breathing pathway. It has helped us transition away from mouth breathing and literally helped double our time spent in restorative sleep each night!


Discover the Benefits

Discover the secret to better sleep with mouth taping, a trick recommended by sleep experts themselves! Imagine waking up feeling more refreshed and energized, all thanks to deeper, more restful sleep. Plus, with improved breathing, you'll not only snooze better but also give your immune system a boost. Say goodbye to noisy nights too – mouth taping might just be the solution to quieter sleep! And hey, it's even good for your oral health. So why wait? Try it out and experience the difference yourself!


Our Unique X Shape

Engineered with precision and designed for comfort, our mouth tape boasts an innovative X shape design that guarantees both security and comfort of use throughout the night. Crafted from hypoallergenic materials, our mouth tape is soft yet resilient, offering minimal coverage for maximum effectiveness and of course, the deepest sleep. Its gentle adhesion ensures a comfortable and seamless peel-off experience each morning. Trust in Tapeher's X shape design to revolutionize your sleep routine and awaken feeling fully restored and ready to tackle the day ahead.


Backed By Science

Mouth taping is backed by science for its ability to address the negative effects of mouth breathing, such as snoring, disrupted sleep, and compromised oxygen intake. Sleep experts recommend this practice because it encourages nasal breathing, which is more efficient and beneficial for overall health. Nasal breathing filters and humidifies the air, enhancing oxygen uptake and improving sleep quality. Studies have shown that switching to nasal breathing can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep and support immune function. With our hypoallergenic, soft yet strong sleep tape, Tapeher encourages nasal breathing, helping you unlock the full potential of a good night's sleep.


Are you a mouth breather?

Daytime sleepiness?

Stop feeling tired from the moment you wake up and instead start feeling refreshed. Mouth breathing frequently causes the closer of our airway passages during sleep and in turn this leads to countless more wake events that ruin our sleep. Mouth taping promotes nasal breathing and helps avoid the constant closer of our airway passages and in turn we wake up feeling refreshed and energized.


Are you a snorer?

Frequent and loud snoring is a common symptom of mouth breathing. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through your mouth and throat is partially obstructed, causing the tissues to vibrate. Mouth taping helps prevent snoring.


Bad breath? Constantly tired? Dental issues?

Mouth breathing can contribute to bad breath (halitosis). Saliva plays a crucial role in keeping your mouth clean by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria and washing away food particles. Reduced saliva flow from mouth breathing can lead to an unpleasant odor. It can also cause sleep disruptions, higher risk of cavities, and even facial structure changes. Mouth tape helps avoid these pitfalls!


Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Game/life changing!!

As a chronic mouth breather and someone who has bought countless of other mouth tapes - this mouth tape has completely changed the trajectory of my sleep. I’ve never been so well rested. I’m waking up so recharged, energized and happy! Gone are the days of waking up constantly throughout the night and being a major grump in the morning.

Cannot thank Brodie and Phil for putting so much thought and energy into created a phenomal product.

Laurianne Groulx
So far, very pleased!

I haven't tried them on for long enough to feel a big difference, but I do appreciate the quality of the product. It is cute, but most importantly comfortable.

I was sick for a week so instead of using them on my mouth I tried used them as a nose strip to help open my sinuses and they worked great that way too! And unliked nose strips, they do not irritate the skin.

My boyfriend has been using his for the past two weeks and he notices a difference in the rest he is getting. His snoring has also dimished which is very pleasing to my ears! :)

So far, very pleased with this purchase!

Nursing mom approved!

I’m not typically a mouth breather, but I decided to give these a try when I bought them for my husband as a Father’s Day gift. I am used to waking up in a constant fog of fatigue with night interruptions from a nursing baby. After a week of trying these, I have woken up refreshed and rested! I notice that I am able to fall asleep faster, stay asleep for longer stretches, and get back to sleep faster after nighttime wakings. I will never go back! I do find I need to put lip chap on in the mornings as it does dry out my lips a bit, but nothing serious and well worth it. Added bonus: my husband has stopped snoring and has also reported feeling refreshed in the morning. Thank you!!

N Patino
Amazing product!

Loved these from first use! Slept so much better and my boyfriend said I was finally quiet 🤣

Rebecca Anderson
No match for mustaches!

Husband approves! Father’s Day gift. He says the stretch took him a few tries to secure it comfortably, yet it STILL lasted through the night and was effective even with his mustache! 👏🏼 Now to wait and see if the health benefits prove true!