Our Story

Hey there, we’re Brodie and Phil, the founders of Tapeher (and Tapehim for guys), and as parents to 4 boys who spent far too much time sleep-deprived, we are SO EXCITED to share our journey with you because it's what led us to create a product that has transformed our sleep and, in turn, our lives.

For far too long on our parenting journey, we just assumed sh*tty sleep was part of the parenting deal. We thought ultimately there was nothing you could do and being constantly exhausted, grumpy, and sleep-deprived was par for the course. However, about a year ago, we hit a breaking point with our sleep and decided to take some desperate action. We first invested in a device to track our sleep (the Whoop band) and then vowed to vigorously test anything and everything that was even mentioned in the same sentence as “improving sleep”.

We tried supplements, cooling mattresses, and even tried sleeping upside down (don’t ask why, but we tried). We were desperate to transform our sleep and rid ourselves of restless nights and low energy; we’d do anything. Over the course of our journey, various things were having small impacts of gradually improving our sleep, which honestly we were stoked about. We were starting to feel marginally better, and we thought maybe we had hit our ceiling.

However, in one last desperate attempt we reluctantly and very skeptically gave mouth taping a go after hearing on a podcast discussing the negative side effects of mouth breathing and how it has a massive and extremely negative impact on one's quality of sleep. Honestly, we were VERY skeptical as this seemed like the most extreme measure to date and honestly very intimidating. Brodie was a HARD NO for this, but eventually, in the name of a good night's sleep we decided to go for it as we had nothing to lose.

Long story short, we gave it a try, and it was life-changing. Over time, our “restorative sleep” measured by the Whoop went from a measly 2 hours all the way to over 6 hours!!! We were blown away! Something that we never, ever dreamed of before starting our quest to improve our sleep.

As we became religious with our bedtime routine and mouth taping, we began to find various things we didn’t like about the tapes we were trying. Firstly, Brodie has very sensitive skin, and covering her entire face was not enjoyable. Secondly, other tapes would fall off with even the slightest movement. This was especially true for Brodie because she puts on lip moisturizer at night, and in turn, her tape would fall off. Finally, many were extremely poor quality.

That's when the lightbulb moment happened. We knew we had to share this incredible discovery with others but the only problem was there wasn’t the perfect mouth tape on the market. That’s when Brodie made it her mission to design a high quality, low coverage, hypoallergenic, and sensitive skin approved mouth tape that looks inviting and provides the best quality sleep possible. After testing 100’s of different shapes, sizes, materials the perfect mouth tape was eventually born and is now known as Tapeher (and Tapehim for the guys). We want everyone to experience the same life-changing benefits of mouth taping that we did.

So here we are, on a mission to help you transform your sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, just like we did.

Welcome to the Tapeher family!