How to Tell If You’re a Mouth Breather

How to Tell If You’re a Mouth Breather

Breathing is a natural and often unconscious act, but the way we breathe can have a significant impact on our overall health. Many people don't realize that they are mouth breathers (Brodie and I fell into this category), a condition that can lead to various health issues if not addressed. It wasn’t until Brodie and I started hearing about the negative impacts of mouth breathing on one's sleep, health and even facial structure that we decided to look into our own breathing! Low and behold, we were classic mouth breathers but thankfully, so much has changed since we started our journey to change the way we breathe and subsequently mouth tape during sleep! Some of the changes we've experienced include seeing our time spent in REM & DEEP sleep more than double (this is the most restorative and important part of sleep). We have also seen our "awake" time during sleep slashed in half. We've even seen a massive reduction in our cortisol levels since mouth taping! 

In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the telltale signs of mouth breathing and provide some practical tips on how to identify and address this habit so you can transform your breathing and the way you are sleeping and feeling just like we did.

Before mouth taping Brodie & I NEVER KNEW or gave any thought to the fact we were mouth breathers but in hindsight all of the tell tale signs that we were mouth breathers were there!

Signs You Might Be a Mouth Breather

Identifying whether you are a mouth breather involves observing specific signs and symptoms. Here are some common indicators that you might be breathing through your mouth rather than your nose:

1. Dry Mouth

One of the most obvious signs of mouth breathing is waking up with a dry mouth. If you often feel your mouth is dry during the day or first thing in the morning, it might be due to mouth breathing, which reduces saliva production and dehydrates you. In hindsight, we thought this was normal but since using Tapeher and Tapehim mouth tape a dry mouth has completely disappeared. 

2. Bad Breath

Mouth breathing can contribute to bad breath (halitosis). Saliva plays a crucial role in keeping your mouth clean by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria and washing away food particles. Reduced saliva flow from mouth breathing can lead to an unpleasant odor. 

3. Snoring

Frequent and loud snoring is a common symptom of mouth breathing. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through your mouth and throat is partially obstructed, causing the tissues to vibrate.

4. Daytime Sleepiness

If you often feel unusually tired during the day, despite getting a full night's sleep, mouth breathing might be the culprit. Poor sleep quality due to mouth breathing can leave you feeling fatigued.

5. Dental Issues

Mouth breathing can lead to various dental problems, including an increased risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Saliva helps protect your teeth from decay, and mouth breathing can dry out your mouth and reduce saliva's protective effects.

6. Chronic Nasal Congestion

Constant nasal congestion or difficulty breathing through your nose can force you to breathe through your mouth. If you're always feeling stuffy, it's worth investigating whether this is causing you to become a mouth breather.

7. Facial Structure Changes

In children, long-term mouth breathing can affect facial growth, leading to elongated faces, narrow mouths, or dental malocclusions. These changes can have lasting impacts on their appearance and dental health.

8. Difficulty Concentrating

Poor sleep quality and reduced oxygen intake from mouth breathing can make it harder to concentrate or stay focused during the day. This can affect your productivity and overall well-being.

9. Always hungry

A poor night's sleep can increase hunger during the day due to hormonal imbalances. Specifically, sleep deprivation lowers levels of leptin, the hormone that signals fullness, and raises levels of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite. Additionally, insufficient sleep can elevate cortisol levels, which can also lead to increased hunger and cravings, particularly for high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich foods. This combination of hormonal changes drives the feeling of increased hunger and can contribute to overeating and weight gain.

10. Restless Sleep

Mouth breathers often experience restless sleep, characterized by tossing and turning, or waking up frequently during the night. This can lead to feeling unrefreshed in the morning.

Self-Check Methods

If you suspect you might be a mouth breather, there are a few self-check methods you can try:

  • Observe Your Breathing: Pay attention to whether you primarily breathe through your mouth or nose when you are relaxed or sleeping.
  • Video Recording : Record yourself while sleeping to see if you tend to breathe through your mouth. This can provide a clear indication of your nighttime breathing habits.
  • Ask your partner: If you have a partner I am sure they have seen you sleep! Just ask them. 
  • Breath Test: Close your mouth and try to breathe comfortably through your nose for a few minutes. If you find it difficult or impossible, you might be a mouth breather.

Tips for Addressing Mouth Breathing

Here are some practical tips to help you address mouth breathing:

  • Mouth Taping: Mouth taping involves placing a strip of specialized tape over your lips before bed to encourage nasal breathing during sleep. This method can help train your body to breathe through your nose, reduce snoring, and improve sleep quality. However, it’s essential to use tape designed for this purpose to avoid discomfort or skin irritation. This is exactly why we created Tapeher & Tapehim mouth tape, because Brodie and I felt as though so many of the mouth tapes we tried were poor quality, too big, irritating Brodies skin and too claustrophobic. Our Tapeher & Tapehim mouth tape is designed for minimal coverage with maximum comfort and hold! 
  • Nasal Strips: These can help open nasal passages during sleep, making it easier to breathe through your nose. These can be great to start out with as well, especially in combination with Tapeher or Tapehim mouth tape if you are an extreme mouth breather. It will aid your nasal breathing and as your body adapts you can transition away from them! 
  • Humidifiers: Adding moisture to the air can reduce mouth dryness and make nasal breathing more comfortable.
  • Nasal Decongestants: Use these if nasal congestion is the issue, but avoid long-term use without consulting a doctor.
  • Breathing Exercises: Practice breathing through your nose during the day to train yourself to adopt this habit.


Now no matter how early our boys up we wake up feeling so much more refreshed and energized after using Tapeher & Tapehim mouth tape. The difference is crazy.

Identifying and addressing mouth breathing early can improve your sleep quality, oral health, and overall well-being. Take it from us… changing the way we breath, mainly through mouth taping during our sleep has completely transformed SO MANY ASPECTS of our health and how we feel.

Personally, since mouth taping we have seen our time spent in REM & DEEP sleep more than double (this is the most restorative and important part of sleep). We have also seen our "awake" time during sleep slashed in half! We've even seen a massive reduction in our cortisol levels since mouth taping. I've also experienced a reduction in snoring and one of our favourite changes of all is actually waking up feeling refreshed on a daily basis! As parents to 4 boys this has helped us so much. 

If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, consider trying the self-check methods or consulting with a healthcare professional. By taking steps to correct mouth breathing, you can enjoy better health and a more restful night's sleep.

P.S. check out our mouth tape!

We truly believe we have created the most comfortable and effective mouth tape to solve your mouth breathing problems. Our Tapeher & Tapehim mouth tape is hypoallergenic, small, comfortable and effective. If you want to check it out click here now and start transforming your sleep and life now! 

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