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Tapeher Mouth Tape - 30 Pack

Tapeher Mouth Tape - 30 Pack

Transform your sleep and energize your mornings with Tapeher, the premium sleep tape for women. A soft yet strong, hypoallergenic sleep tape with minimal coverage but maximum effectiveness, Tapeher brings together comfort, less coverage, and the deepest sleep of your life.

  • Wake up with more energy
  • Deeper sleep
  • Improved breathing
  • Immune support
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Soft
  • Minimal coverage, maximum effectiveness
  • Gentle on skin
  • 95% cotton, 5% spandex

Why Mouth Tape?

Tapeher is designed to promote nasal breathing during sleep by gently taping your lips closed. This encourages you to breathe through your nose, which has numerous benefits for your sleep quality and overall health. Nasal breathing helps optimize oxygen intake, reduces snoring, improves airflow, and can even promote better alignment of your jaw and airway. By keeping your mouth closed, Tapeher helps ensure that you experience deeper, more restorative sleep throughout the night.

Backed by Science!

I know what you’re wondering… does this ACTUALLY WORK and is there proof. Well, aside from our own sleep metrics that have literally doubled there are lots of studies showing the various benefits of promoting nasal breathing and using mouth tape to enhance sleep. One of those studies, performed by the Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that “patients who transitioned to nasal breathing reported substantial improvements in sleep quality and daytime alertness. The practice of mouth taping helped enforce nasal breathing, thereby reducing symptoms of sleep disordered breathing.” 

Another study found that “nasal breathing is associated with significant reduction in snoring and apneic events, as it promotes a more stable and unobstructed airway during sleep” (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine). 

And as if that isn’t enough, the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found “mouth taping for patients with mild obstructive sleep apnea showed a notable decrease in snoring frequency and intensity, suggesting that mouth taping may serve as a simple intervention to enhance sleep quality”. 

There are also SO MANY more studies and books highlighting the scientific benefits of mouth taping. The book Breath is a book Phil and I LOVED and it truly showcases the amazing benefits of mouth taping!

Disclaimer: Tapeher is not suitable for children, individuals with heart conditions, nasal congestion, breathing disorders, those prone to vomiting, or individuals who are currently using alcohol or sedatives. Please consult with a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or concerns related to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Mouth taping should always be practiced with caution, and individuals are doing so at their own risk. Covering the mouth may not address the root causes of snoring or mouth breathing and could pose risks, particularly if nasal passages are obstructed. If you experience discomfort or difficulty breathing, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare provider. Tapeher is provided as-is without any express or implied warranties, and the manufacturer is not liable for any damages or injuries resulting from its use.

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How does it work?

Tapeher is designed to promote nasal breathing during sleep by gently taping your lips closed. This encourages you to breathe through your nose, which has numerous benefits for your sleep quality and overall health. Nasal breathing helps optimize oxygen intake, reduces snoring, improves airflow, and can even promote better alignment of your jaw and airway. By keeping your mouth closed, Tapeher helps ensure that you experience deeper, more restorative sleep throughout the night.

Is it safe?

Yes, Tapeher is designed with safety as a top priority. Our tape is made from hypoallergenic materials and is gentle on the skin. Our bodies were designed to breathe through our noses, and Tapeher encourages this natural breathing pattern during sleep. However, it's important to use Tapeher responsibly and in accordance with the instructions provided. If you experience any discomfort or difficulty breathing while using Tapeher, discontinue use immediately and consult with a healthcare professional. Additionally, Tapeher is not suitable for children, individuals with certain medical conditions, or those who are prone to nasal congestion or breathing difficulties. As with any sleep aid or health product, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before use, especially if you have any underlying medical concerns.

Who are these for?

While Tapeher is our flagship product tailored for women seeking improved sleep quality, we've expanded our offerings to include Tapehim, catering specifically to men interested in optimizing their rest. This decision was inspired by the growing interest among partners who witness the positive effects of Tapeher on their loved ones and wish to experience similar benefits themselves.

How long should I wear the tape?

Tapeher and Tapehim are designed to be worn during sleep, so we recommend applying them before bedtime and removing them upon waking up in the morning. Typically, they can be worn for the duration of your sleep cycle.

Is the tape reusable?

No, for hygiene reasons, we recommend using a fresh piece of tape each night.

Can I wear the tape if I have sensitive skin?

Yes, both Tapeher and Tapehim are hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin. However, if you experience any irritation, we recommend discontinuing use and consulting with a healthcare professional.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Game/life changing!!

As a chronic mouth breather and someone who has bought countless of other mouth tapes - this mouth tape has completely changed the trajectory of my sleep. I’ve never been so well rested. I’m waking up so recharged, energized and happy! Gone are the days of waking up constantly throughout the night and being a major grump in the morning.

Cannot thank Brodie and Phil for putting so much thought and energy into created a phenomal product.

Laurianne Groulx
So far, very pleased!

I haven't tried them on for long enough to feel a big difference, but I do appreciate the quality of the product. It is cute, but most importantly comfortable.

I was sick for a week so instead of using them on my mouth I tried used them as a nose strip to help open my sinuses and they worked great that way too! And unliked nose strips, they do not irritate the skin.

My boyfriend has been using his for the past two weeks and he notices a difference in the rest he is getting. His snoring has also dimished which is very pleasing to my ears! :)

So far, very pleased with this purchase!

Nursing mom approved!

I’m not typically a mouth breather, but I decided to give these a try when I bought them for my husband as a Father’s Day gift. I am used to waking up in a constant fog of fatigue with night interruptions from a nursing baby. After a week of trying these, I have woken up refreshed and rested! I notice that I am able to fall asleep faster, stay asleep for longer stretches, and get back to sleep faster after nighttime wakings. I will never go back! I do find I need to put lip chap on in the mornings as it does dry out my lips a bit, but nothing serious and well worth it. Added bonus: my husband has stopped snoring and has also reported feeling refreshed in the morning. Thank you!!

N Patino
Amazing product!

Loved these from first use! Slept so much better and my boyfriend said I was finally quiet 🤣

Rebecca Anderson
No match for mustaches!

Husband approves! Father’s Day gift. He says the stretch took him a few tries to secure it comfortably, yet it STILL lasted through the night and was effective even with his mustache! 👏🏼 Now to wait and see if the health benefits prove true!