Stop Mouth Breathing & Start Nasal Breathing

If you're like Phil and me, you would do anything for a good night's sleep... Unfortunately, though, we thought we were doomed to be sleep-deprived for the rest of our lives. The constant wake-ups, insomnia, etc., were just the status quo. However, it wasn't until we discovered mouth breathing as the root cause of so many of our sleep issues that we set out on a mission to change the world of sleep-deprived parents one mouth tape at a time. Mouth taping promotes nasal breathing, which is the body's natural and optimal breathing pathway. It has helped us transition away from mouth breathing and literally helped double our time spent in restorative sleep each night!


Discover the Benefits

Discover the secret to better sleep with mouth taping, a trick recommended by sleep experts themselves! Imagine waking up feeling more refreshed and energized, all thanks to deeper, more restful sleep. Plus, with improved breathing, you'll not only snooze better but also give your immune system a boost. Say goodbye to noisy nights too – mouth taping might just be the solution to quieter sleep! And hey, it's even good for your oral health. So why wait? Try it out and experience the difference yourself!


Our Unique X Shape

Engineered with precision and designed for comfort, our mouth tape boasts an innovative X shape design that guarantees both security and comfort of use throughout the night. Crafted from hypoallergenic materials, our mouth tape is soft yet resilient, offering minimal coverage for maximum effectiveness and of course, the deepest sleep. Its gentle adhesion ensures a comfortable and seamless peel-off experience each morning. Trust in Tapeher's X shape design to revolutionize your sleep routine and awaken feeling fully restored and ready to tackle the day ahead.


Backed By Science

Mouth taping is backed by science for its ability to address the negative effects of mouth breathing, such as snoring, disrupted sleep, and compromised oxygen intake. Sleep experts recommend this practice because it encourages nasal breathing, which is more efficient and beneficial for overall health. Nasal breathing filters and humidifies the air, enhancing oxygen uptake and improving sleep quality. Studies have shown that switching to nasal breathing can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep and support immune function. With our hypoallergenic, soft yet strong sleep tape, Tapeher encourages nasal breathing, helping you unlock the full potential of a good night's sleep.


Are you a mouth breather?

Daytime sleepiness?

Stop feeling tired from the moment you wake up and instead start feeling refreshed. Mouth breathing frequently causes the closer of our airway passages during sleep and in turn this leads to countless more wake events that ruin our sleep. Mouth taping promotes nasal breathing and helps avoid the constant closer of our airway passages and in turn we wake up feeling refreshed and energized.


Are you a snorer?

Frequent and loud snoring is a common symptom of mouth breathing. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through your mouth and throat is partially obstructed, causing the tissues to vibrate. Mouth taping helps prevent snoring.


Bad breath? Constantly tired? Dental issues?

Mouth breathing can contribute to bad breath (halitosis). Saliva plays a crucial role in keeping your mouth clean by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria and washing away food particles. Reduced saliva flow from mouth breathing can lead to an unpleasant odor. It can also cause sleep disruptions, higher risk of cavities, and even facial structure changes. Mouth tape helps avoid these pitfalls!


Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Very sticky

This is the first time I’ve tried mouth tape so I can’t really compare it to other brands but it is quite sticky and hurts a bit to pull off.

This is now a nightly ritual

We had been seeing you guys post about mouth taping for awhile and finally decided to try it. Let me tell you this is life changing! My husband doesn't snore anymore!!!! THANK YOU. That is my all time fav benefit. Also, we both have never felt more rested! I was waking up multiple times a night, and now I don't even stir until the sun is up. Our allergens/congestion has significantly improved as well. We thought it would make us panic a little but the strips are so thin and you can still breathe through the sides of your mouth if needed. I also can take a drink if I needed to but I honestly don't now because we're sleeping through the night! They are also super skin friendly and we both happen to have extremely sensitive skin. This product is really just life changing and I now recommend it to anyone that will listen to me haha we purchased as a one time to try them, but will 100 percent be regular subscribers 🙏

It works!!!

So, I am not a mouth breather, ha. But I wanted to give the tape a try just to see if it would help in any way. I have only been able to breath out of one nostril well and the other at about half capacity for my whole life. On workdays I usually wake up every hr to every 2 hrs because I am stressed knowing I have to get up early and am wondering how much time I have to sleep. With the mouth tape, I still wake up in the middle of the night, but it's not as often and I have been dreaming like crazy and when I do wake up, it doesn't take me too long to fall back to sleep. I feel much better when I wake up.

BUT mostly importantly, I don't feel stressed anymore. Which is a big deal. Your body should be in an alkaline state, but stress and other things will put it in an acidic state which is not good. My dad also tried the tape and he said it helped him sleep as well.

I HIGHLY recommend trying it out. And don't panic, you won't suffocate 😜

And finally, 🤣 ... it's super comfortable! I have sensitive skin and thought it would be weird taping my mouth, but I completely forgot I even had it on. Buy yours today!! Your dreams are waiting for you.

Incredibly happy

Crazy how big a difference a seemingly small change can make. I love the Tapehim mouth tape. I’ve always been a mouth breather when I slept so I wasn’t sure if this would work but it did. I wake up with more energy and feel better every single morning and my oura ring confirms this! Tapehim mouth tape for life!

Tapehim -- what a difference!

I was skeptical at first about whether I could 'take' to mouth taping, and whether it would make a difference in my sleeping, but I gave it a try. Turns out, I do not feel the tape at all, and the quality of my sleep has dramatically increased! I wake up feeling more refreshed and well-rested. I consider this to be a great investment in my health!